From good
to gold
Everyone has to be on the same page to make a great film.
So… how do we get there?
1. sup,
let’s talk.
In a 30-45 minute call (video or not), tell me about you and your film.
Why do you love it?
Why are you doing it?
What inspires it?
If it feels good, then I’ll follow up with a few more boring questions (timeline and money).
If the shoe fits, we wear it.
2. cool,
Let’s watch it.
Grab the notepad. Now we watch the film (first time no talking). Then we comb through it, dissect it, talk crazy, and come to a few decisions.
What kind of score?
What needs music and what doesn’t?
3. YES! Now let’s work.
I go off and do my thing. Throughout this phase, I will send you a few ideas. When something sticks, I go back into my cave and polish it.
Do you feel that?
That’s progress. Yum.
4. Alright, let’s watch it (again).
We take what we’ve made, add it to the film (pre-mix), and watch it.
Any bumps?
How’s the pacing?
This is session 1 of 2 where we tinker.
5. that’s it! let’s wrap.
After the tinker sessions, we watch our new creation. Happy? Yeah, you are!
I’ll send over .WAV and .MP3 files, fully mixed, so you can easily drag and drop it into your session.
Boom! Music - done! Gio - out!